Hideho Takagi (1942 - 2018) <external link to Wado Kai Karatedo Shingitai Italia)
Born: 1942 July 23rd China (note: at that time many Japanese were born in China. China ( Manchuria) was a part of Japan. The Japanese empire had extended into China and Korea and were considered part of Japan.)
Three Children
Residing in Tokyo
1953 - Moved to Japan from China to Shimane prefecture (next to Hiroshima prefecture). Shimane prefecture is pretty poor relative to the other
places in Japan.
1966 - Entered Nihon University (Nichidai)
1972 - Entered Nihon Dental College
Dental Office - Takagi Dental Office
Occupation: Dentist
Karate history:
1966 Started training at the Nihon Dental College taught by Hironori Otsuka, founder of Wado
Guseikai Shihan (Chief Instructor of Guseikai)
Japan Karate Federation Hanshi 8th dan
Japan Karate Federation Wadokai 8th dan
Japan Karate Federation Technical committee (since 1980)
Japan Karate Federation Wadokai Technical Committee Chairman
Japan Karate Federation Wadokai Board Member