TRAINING (click here to see current training schedule on Google Calendars)
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We practice the JKF Wado Kai katas. In addition, we have basic katas to help learn movement, coordination, and balance.
The JKF Wado Kai katas are Pinans Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, and Godan. The more advanced katas are: Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto, Bassai, Niseishi, Wanshu, Jion, Jitte, and Rohai.
In addition to the katas performed by one person, there are two person kumite katas called Kihon Kumite Kata. They are numbered one to ten in Japanese. Here are some examples of the Kihon Kumite Katas:
Kihon Kumite Kata Ipponme (Number 1)

Kihon Kumite Kata Nihonme (Number 2)
Kihon Kumite Kata Sanbonme (Number 3) Click on the picture to order
Kihon Kumite Kata Yohonme (Number 4) from Champ online
Kihon Kumite Kata Gohonme (Number 5)